Continuous Improvement
Updated 3/12 with completed grades information.
Today, I was given all of my university grades for the past semester.
Of the grades I got back, I have 3 High Distinctions and 1 Distinction.
I am very pleased with my work, and this result means I will finish my degree with a >6 GPA (Distinction Average).
This excellent performance this semester wasn’t always the case for me.
Take a look at this image with my average grades for my entire degree.
The first two bars are my grades from my previous degree before I changed to Maths and Finance. The EXCH bar is from when I went on exchange to Sheffield.
As you can see, there has been dramatic improvement in my grades over time.
And while it’s crucial to not rate your university performance solely on your grades, I think there has been improvement across my whole life.
I’ve learnt to take tasks more seriously, and do the best I can. Sometimes in my past I would just coast through subjects and not really try. But now I have learnt to grind out good results much more effectively and efficiently.
This trend gives me hope.
It also means to me, that even in the areas of my life that I struggle with right now, like writing. That there are ways to improve and see results. All it takes is some hard work and dedication.